The road repair guys in Craighead County, Arkansas like their EZ Street Asphalt. It’s not just that it’s quick, easy and guaranteed permanent. It’s also so good that they don’t think twice about using it in the nicest neighborhoods. No road closures, heavy equipment or hot mix required. They just come on in, shovel some EZ Street Asphalt into the hole, then compact the mix by driving over it with the tires of the same truck they drove to the job. Just minutes, and they’re done. They’ve whipped up a first-class pothole repair that’s guaranteed permanent. And when it rains, they keep working. EZ Street Asphalt works in water. EZ Street Asphalt. Showing potholes who’s boss.
EZ STREET®, Ambient®, and Bioblends® are Registered Trademarks of Asphalt Research Technology, Inc, Miami, Florida 33176.
THE EZ STREET COMPANY • 13611 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 430 • Miami, FL 33176 • (305) 663-3090
©2024 Asphalt Research Technology, Inc.