Can EZ Street Asphalt really work in a seemingly impossible situation? A homeowners association contacted Lakeside Industries about replacing this road, which has water running over and beneath it. The estimator/project manager said that, until something could be done about the water, the road would continue deteriorating. But, Lakeside did try out EZ Street as a repair. You can see a year-old EZ Street patch, and an area where someone tried to patch it with concrete. The concrete’s busted up, but the EZ Street is still there. The patching process is simple. You take out the really loose stuff. You don’t have to take the water out, because polymer-modified EZ Street displaces the water. It has to be applied in two-inch lifts. If you try to fill it all at once, and make it too deep, you’re not getting compaction. No asphalt of the world is any good without compaction. It’s good to leave it up a little, crowning about an inch above the surrounding pavement, because traffic will continue to compact the product. Loren himself likes that, “A 68, 69 year-old man can do it in 20 minutes, and it’s going to be there for years.”
EZ STREET®, Ambient®, and Bioblends® are Registered Trademarks of Asphalt Research Technology, Inc, Miami, Florida 33176.
THE EZ STREET COMPANY • 13611 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 430 • Miami, FL 33176 • (305) 663-3090
©2024 Asphalt Research Technology, Inc.